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Resignation Scenario

The media have been reporting on consistent high temperatures from across the globe over the past few weeks. New temperature records have been set. We thought we would share 3 infographics on 3 climate change scenarios. The Resignation Scenario / do noting business as usual, The Paris alignment Scenario and the Polarisation Scenario, which We think is the current climate pathway we are on. We hope we are mistaken. Green Certificates for buildings are a good way to demonstrate a buildings green credentials, provided the property owners continue with a sustainability/ energy management strategy for the operation and occupation of the building.

For existing buildings something as simple as an energy audit will quickly ascertain a buildings energy intensity and associated GHG emissions (Scope1 &2) A good energy audit can lay the foundation for a proactive short , medium and long term energy and GHG reduction strategy, notwithstanding water and waste.

The cost of an energy audit would more than pay for itself over a short period of time. Start with the quick wins and plan the other energy improvements to align with annual capex budgets. Every little energy improvement helps, some real estate owners might not have the monitory resources to achieve net zero in a single step. But make a start, get an energy audit done and get a climate mitigation and adaptation plan in place, the benefits outweigh the negatives.

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