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Presentation with Passive Dynamics

Passive Dynamics and OSA gave a joint presentation on be half of our client Spear Street Capital to the site team for their Dublin city centre existing commercial office re-development.

The Client felt it was important that the delivery team and Main Contractor understood the projects sustainability deliverables that not only address climate mitigation and adaptation principles, but protect the asset from future stranding by positioning it on the right side of the EU decarbonisation curve into the next decade in terms of Kwh/m2 GIA and incorporating a design flexibility to achieve net zero in the future.

This re-developed asset is EU taxonomy compliant, including a detailed life cost analysis. Smart building technologies and a comprehensive landlord & tenant submetering infrastructure (energy, water & waste) will be installed, which will provide data driven faculties management. Demand response measures will assist with the property manger with a proactive tenant engagement strategy post PC.

These smart technologies will provide accurate GHG reporting to an international standard, such as ISO 14064-1. Careful consideration has been given to the commissioning process, training for the property management team and provide a set of tenant guidelines through an ESG lens.

Other sustainability value creation strategies have been included that will focus on the assets outputs, which will underpin sustainability reporting, such as CSRD & GRESB. The project will achieve LEED Gold (S&C) BER A rating, include on site renewables and is a case study for the IGBC ENACT a 3-year initiative.

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